
Spirituality is rooted in Balinese culture and the Hindu religion. With Bali’s mindful atmosphere, it’s no surprise that world-class yoga studios have blossomed on the island, providing an oasis of peace for the body, mind and soul.

Find and compare yin yoga teacher training in Bali

Yin Yoga is a very simple practice, on the surface. From the view of the casual observer, it may seem as if there’s not much going on, but from the practitioner’s point of view there is something deeply meaningful occurring on every level of experience.

Yin Yoga is not as much a style of Yoga as it is a way of practice. Many of the postures used are identical to postures in other, more active styles of yoga, but the approach is that of calm surrender and patient stillness. Within this stillness, the practitioner has the opportunity to observe experience, without interfering, in order to understand what’s teaming beneath the surface of ordinary awareness.

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